“You’re gonna have to learn to get out there in front of those cameras and hold your head up. Take charge when you’re singing.”- Patsy Cline

Since I wrote “I am a sucker for female vocals, and I not talking about big voice diva, that can break glass, although Ella is great as well”, in my post A Frankie View – Female Vocals -1 things have not changed much, it may have even got worse.

Although Female Vocals is not a genre of music, there just something about them, they can be beautiful, angry, sweet, rocky or soulful. It’s not all about love either, just listen to Tracy Chapman’s “Behind the Wall”, a song about domestic violence.

I recently watched The Billy Holiday film and was shock how she was persecuted for singing Strange Fruit, and the handcuffing of her while she lay on her death bed, its a great watch if you ever get the chance.

Lately, I have really enjoyed meeting up with some old favourites, and some of the new artist, or new to me like Amahla, Yazmin Lace, Bryony Jarman Pinto, 4 Non Blondes, Adele, Norah Jones, The Spider Accomplice, Bjork and Cecile Mclorin Salvant to name a few.

I have been listening to the below playlist on my way to work this week, and I find myself yet again enjoying it with a nice cold bottle of cider, in the man cave, and just taking it all in.

Enjoy all.

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