“Songwriting is a very mysterious process. It feels like creating something from nothing. It’s something I don’t feel like I really control.” – Tracy Chapman

I am a sucker for female vocals, and I not talking about big voice diva, that can break glass, although Ella is great as well.

For me, at the beginning of my record buying in the early eighties, first female vocals would have been Pauline Black, lead singer of the 2-tone band The Selector, a few years later it was Sade, and British lover rocks singers like Carroll Thompson.

Then the ’90s came along, and it was soul singers like Gee Morris ( Innocence), Pauline Henry ( The Chimes), and the varies singers that sung for Soul II Soul. Later in the ’90s, there was Tracy Chapman and Eva Cassidy

2000 came along and the new century brought me Amy Winehouse, Norah Jones, In 2021, I have enjoyed discovering new talent like Bryony Jarman-Pinto.

I have not even scratched the surface with the above, and there are loads of other female vocals I have still got to post about. But I have been listening to the below playlist on my way to work this week, and am now enjoying it with a nice cold bottle of cider, and yep the lights are off in the man cave.

Enjoy all.

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